That day I knew for sure. I'd lost control of my tears then. They fell in huge, mocking drops. I stared at Joshua through those bitter tears, my heart missing beats as I tried to remember to breathe.
I finally knew what the glow meant.
I was a freak and Joshua was going to die.
Bryn Halbrook had always seen the glow. But it is only when her best friend dies that she discovers the meaning of those beautiful golden auras — Death. Alone, lost in the foster system, she struggles to understand who she is and why she was cursed with the ability to see the soon-to-be-dead.
The new foster kid, Aidan, isn’t helping any. Mr. Perfect seems to fit in no matter what, making her feel even more pathetic. But when his affections turn to her, Bryn finds him hard to resist. Impossible actually. A mystery himself, Aidan disappears, leaving behind a broken heart and a mysterious book that suggests Bryn might not be entirely human.
Bryn stands at the threshold of a journey of discovery. Will destiny help her find herself, find her purpose and her place in a world in which she’d never belonged?
Ce rea pare fata de pe coperta. Fara suparare, ata ei pare putin stramba. Parerea mea. Descrierea ma atrage; cred ca n-as avea parte de plictiseala citind-o.
Da ai dreptate cam..mult prea dura pentru rog pentru carte in sine.
Sincer..momentan nu stiu daca incumeta sa o citesc.(fara suparare)Probabil la indemnul unei prietene .. care ma "asigura" ca merita ;)) [ da trebuie sa fiu impinsa de la spate]
interesanta, pana la "I was a freak and Joshua was going to die." nu m-am putut abtine sa nu rad ;))
Mie imi place mult coperta.. c-o fi stramba, c-o fi rea, mie tot imi place tipa. E roscataa xD
Hm.. subiectul pare destul de interesant, desi nu stiu daca as avea rabdare cu ea.
Si eu sunt cam de aceeasi parere cu Cristina. Imi palce tot la coperta mai putin fata tipei :( Dar poate asa trebuia sa fie ea :D Dura :))
Descrierea e interesanta :-? O alta serie de care nu stiam. T.G. Ayer o fi barbat? :-?
Eu m-as incumeta sa o citesc; poate ca mi-ar placea.
ce marfa e coperta:X
Coperta nu imi place, nu stiu ce am cu ea dar pur si simplu nu imi place :) in schimb descrierea e Ok adica chiar as citi cartea:D
dura tipa de pe cam sperie:))..asa tris e cand cel mai bun prieten moare:(
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