Things get turned upside down for sophomore Lorelei MacAlister when the Angel of Death starts high school in her small town. What she doesn’t know is that she has been slated to die. It’s simply her time. And Death has been sent to do the deed. But when she touches him, when she peers into his eyes and reaches into his heart, he realizes she is more than what he was led to believe, and he disobeys his orders. He brings her back from the brink of death when he was supposed to push her into it. Because of this, he gets trapped on this plane. And that’s when all hell breaks loose. Literally.
Dupa cum observati, Darynda Jones, una dintre preferatele mele, ne pregateste o noua serie, de data asta Young Adult. O astept cu nerabdare pentru ca First Grave on the Right mi-a placut la nebunie. Si coperta imi place foarte mult :D

imi place blondul de pe coperta
Wow descrierea e super, chiar as vrea sa citesc cartea asta :x. Si da blondul e frumos :))
imi place descrierea. n-am citit nimic de D.J si chiar mi-ar face placere sa citesc cartea asta
Vad ca D. Jones mai are un as in maneca :) Pare draguta cartea.
Wow! Asta trece sigur la wishlist :D este super descrierea si sunt foarte curioasa cum scrie autoarea. In ultima vreme ma "urmaresc" cartile cu ingeri si presupun ca asta era la rand :D
Coperta este frumoasa insa simt ca, culorile personajul din stanga nu se imbina foarte bine cu restul personajelor. Sau poate asta era si ideea defapt... :D
da Doamne sa apara si la noi cartea....e prea tare....cred ca m-am indragostit :X
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