Ellie is staying with her maternal grandparents for the summer, while her recently bereaved dad takes off on holiday with his new girlfriend. Upset by his apparent callousness, missing her mother, and jealous for her dad's attention, she begins to spiral into depression. Her grandparents suggest she joins a local theatre group, to meet people her own age and get away from the dark thoughts that threaten to engulf her. But then she gets roped into a seance at the theatre, and is the only one who actually sees a real ghost. Now a spirit is contacting her from beyond the grave - and as the dead boy's story unfolds, Ellie finds herself falling in love with him. But if she solves his mystery and helps release his soul, will he be lost to her forever?
draguta cartea, dar nu aduce nimic nou...
O descriere interesanta.Coperta este si ea foarte frumoasa
am mai citit recenzii despre carte si mi se pare draguta ideea
Îmi place atât coperta cât şi ideea cărţii. Cred că devine interesantă din momentul când Ellie se alătură teatrului. Sunt curioasa cum se termină povestea dintre ea si fantomă.
Draguta descrierea, si coperta la fel,dar parca era mai frumoasa fara fata acelui baiat.
Imi place partea cu teatrul, e ceva nou...
E destul de interesanta nu prea inteleg eu cum poate fi rezolvata o iubire intre un om si o fantoma ( fantoma => persoana respectiva moarta bla bla...) deci e destul de ciudat si tot o data te face sa iti doresti sa citesti cartea respectiva ca sa afli care e treaba :-??.
imi place cartea....dar oare ce se va intampla cu cei 2
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