Clara has it all. A
wrestling star boyfriend, popular friends, all the right school
activities...pretty much a perfect life...up until her parents died. Now
she lives with the Pastor and his family and though they take good care
of her, she feels alone. Then her boyfriend, Tate, starts to show signs
of trouble when a new guy, Eli, comes to town. Clara is fascinated with
him but hides it until something happens. Eli confesses to her that she
gives him something he's never had before...something he needs.
Everything is about to change for this normal, pretty, popular girl in a
supernatural way.
offf...ce ii da...pana la urma o sa mor de curiozitate
interesanta coperta,dar mi se pare ca amandoi sunt raniti :-??
Ce descriere ciudata :( Ce ii da? Mie personal nu mi se pare prea interesanta aceasta carte! Dar poate dupa o lectura...
Aproape credeam ca nu implica nimic supranatural, insa am ajuns la ultima fraza :D Pare interesanta.
Mie imi place, iar coperta imi provoaca amintiri nu prea vesele...As citi, totusi, aceasta carte.
descrierea cartii imi place, dar coperta nu
Nu-mi dau cu parerea decat daca o citesc; poate chiar e interesanta
Pare interesanta.
Hmmm chiar nu stiu ce sa cred, dar probabil e interesanta :D Coperta nu imi pare cine stie ce...
Nu prea ma atrage, dar nu se stie niciodata..
O coperta mai neobisnuita...e bine sa mai vedem si ceva diferit.
Nu prea imi place coperta, dar eh..:D
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