When 14-year-old Charlie Blake wakes up sweating and gasping for air in the middle of the night, he knows it is happening again. This time he witnesses a brutal murder. He's afraid to tell anyone. No one would believe him ... because it was a dream. Just like the one he had four years ago - the day before his dad died.
Charlie doesn't know why this is happening. He would give anything to have an ordinary life. The problem: he doesn't belong in the world he knows as home. He belongs with the others.
They are not human.
When 14-year-old Charlie Blake wakes up sweating and gasping for air in the middle of the night, he knows it is happening again. This time he witnesses a brutal murder. He's afraid to tell anyone. No one would believe him ... because it was a dream. Just like the one he had four years ago - the day before his dad died.
Charlie doesn't know why this is happening. He would give anything to have an ordinary life. The problem: he doesn't belong in the world he knows as home. He belongs with the others.
They are not human.
Ce ar fi daca intreaga ta viata a fost o minciuna?
Cand Charlie Blake, de 14 ani, se trezeste in mijlocul noptii, nadusit si gafaind dupa aer, el stie ca se intampla din nou. De data asta, a fost martorul unei crime brutale. Ii este frica sa spuna cuiva. Nimeni nu-l va crede pentru ca... a fost un vis. Un vis la fel cu cel pe care l-a avut acum patru ani, cu o zi inainte de moartea tatalui sau.
Charlie nu stie de ce se intampla asa. Ar da orice pentru a avea o viata obisnuita. Problema: el nu apartine lumii pe care el o stie ca fiind a lui. El apartine altora.
Altora care nu sunt oameni.

Suna putin infricosator...mi-ar placea sa citesc aceasta carte, pare sa fie o lectura antrenanta.
infricosator....nu prea cred, e foarte misto
imi place descrierea. ma inrteb ce oare ce sunt aceia de care apartine baiatul??
cam ciudata coperta, dar in rest cred ca este o carte buna:)
Mie imi place coperta, sarpele care isi musca coada(scuzati cacofonia, nu mi-a venit altceva in minte) simbolizeaza eternitatea. Imi place descrierea.
Ciudatica :)) Imi place :))
"El apartine altora.Altora care nu sunt oameni." Ce sunt ? As vrea sa citesc cartea :X
Imi place descrierea;))
Imi place si coperta, cu simbolul sarpelui care isi mananca coada...cred ca se potriveste bine cu titlul.
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