Mai jos, este articolul si cadoul oferit de autoare.

brought Leila back to his house under an agreement she isn’t so comfortable with – and she doesn’t know he’s the “real” Dracula yet. She thinks he has role-playing issues by calling himself Vlad, heh.
Note: The scene in the book is slightly longer. I edited it to take out some spoilers.
She’s a mortal with dark powers…
After a tragic accident scarred her body and destroyed her dreams,
Leila never imagined that the worst was still to come: terrifying powers
that let her channel electricity and learn a person’s darkest secrets
through a single touch. Leila is doomed to a life of solitude…until
creatures of the night kidnap her, forcing her to reach out with a
telepathic distress call to the world’s most infamous vampire…
He’s the Prince of Night…
Vlad Tepesh inspired the greatest vampire legend of all—but whatever
you do, don’t call him Dracula. Vlad’s ability to control fire makes him
one of the most feared vampires in existence, but his enemies have
found a new weapon against him – a beautiful mortal with powers to match
his own. When Vlad and Leila meet, however, passion ignites between
them, threatening to consume them both. It will take everything that
they are to stop an enemy intent on bringing them down in flames.
The word “house” didn’t begin to do justice to the white and gray
structure in front of me. I actually had to tilt my head back to see all
the way up to the roof. It was at least four stories high, with
additional floors on the triangular turrets that rose dramatically on
each corner. A myriad of carvings decorated the exterior, from intricate
balconies in front of soaring windows to stone gargoyles that glared
down from their perches. They weren’t the only sentinels of this
gothic-looking palace; at least a dozen people were stationed in various
spots around the house, some standing so still that at first glance,
I’d thought they were statues, too. A high stone wall with manned
lookout towers encircled the property. Beyond that and the surrounding
forest, dark gray mountains acted as a natural barrier, adding to the
imposing feel of the place.
Vlad’s voice jerked my attention back to him. He didn’t bother to hide his grin as he glanced down at my feet.
“Don’t you want to come inside before you catch a chill?”
I followed his gaze as if I needed proof that I was standing barefoot
on the icy ground. I’d forgotten about the cold, being so caught up in
the splendor around me, but now sharp needles of pain pricked my feet.
“Coming,” I said at once.
Two huge double doors opened and Vlad entered through them, nodding
at the men who bowed to him as he passed. This time, the obsequious
gesture didn’t seem out of place. Anyone who lived in a palace like this
would expect to be bowed to. Hell, it was bigger than some royal
castles I’d seen on TV.
I followed after him, unable to keep from looking around like a kid.
We were inside an enormous hall with ceilings that were decorated with
artful beams, frescos and shields. Off to the right, the ceiling lowered
and became domed glass. Below it, an indoor garden with plants and
flowers were arranged around chairs, couches, and a marble fountain.
Vlad strode by the garden and I followed, catching glimpses of more
magnificent rooms as we continued down the main hall. Finally he stopped
in front of a staircase.
“Maximus will show you to your room,” Vlad stated. He turned and began to walk away, but my “Wait!” stopped him.
“I can’t shower until I release all my excess electricity,” I said
with a shrug. “Don’t suppose you have any lightning rods here?”
“I’ll get some,” he replied, coming closer. “Until then, use me.”
“I can find something else,” I hedged.
A brow arched. “I insist.”
He grasped my hand with those words. His coppery eyes stared into
mine, silencing my next protest before I voiced it. He was so close that
I imagined I could feel his unusual heat in the scant space between us.
The warmth from his hand was certainly real. It seemed to slip inside
my skin, teasing me with memories of what it felt like to be enveloped
in his embrace, that hot, hard body pressed along every inch of me.
I cleared my throat to distract myself from the unexpected tightening
of certain parts down below. It didn’t help that he stroked my skin as
he waited for my response, even that small touch sending more pleasant
tingles through me.
“Are you sure?” I had to drain myself in order for this to be effective, and though he was fireproof, it might still hurt.
He leaned down, his long hair brushing my face. Those dark strands
shouldn’t have felt like teasing caresses, but they did, and again, I
cursed my strange reaction to him.
“I never do anything unless I’m sure.”
His voice was lower, and his fingers tightened on my hand. A bolt
slid into him that I hadn’t meant to send, but he didn’t appear to mind.
Instead, a slow smile spread across his lips.
Once Burned releases June 26th. Right now, excerpt chapters are available as sneak peeks in the Magic Graves and The Bite Before Christmas anthologies. As I do with every upcoming book, I’ll post those chapters on my website closer to the release date."

Foarte frumos din partea ei.Se pare ca Romania da o gramada de inspiratie,multor autori
abia astept sa citesc Night Huntress si Night Prince. sunt atat de tari:x
da, cred ca sunt tari cartile, le asteptam cu drag
Super, abia astept! Suna bine si vreau sa le citesc.
am de spus doar un lucru....aaaaa....ce tare
Abia astept seria aceasta :x Vlad Tepesh :)) da, Romania a inspirat cativa autori.
doar una as aproape pe toti
Abia astept sa citesc si eu seriile astea :D.
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