Twelve-year-old Meggie
learns that her father, who repairs and binds books for a living, can
"read" fictional characters to life when one of those characters abducts
them and tries to force him into service.
Characters from books literally leap off the page in this engrossing fantasy. Meggie has had her father to herself since her mother went away when she was young. Mo taught her to read when she was five, and the two share a mutual love of books. He can "read" characters out of books. When she was three, he read aloud from a book called Inkheart and released characters into the real world. At the same time, Meggie's mother disappeared into the story. This "story within a story" will delight not just fantasy fans, but all readers who like an exciting plot with larger-than-life characters.
Characters from books literally leap off the page in this engrossing fantasy. Meggie has had her father to herself since her mother went away when she was young. Mo taught her to read when she was five, and the two share a mutual love of books. He can "read" characters out of books. When she was three, he read aloud from a book called Inkheart and released characters into the real world. At the same time, Meggie's mother disappeared into the story. This "story within a story" will delight not just fantasy fans, but all readers who like an exciting plot with larger-than-life characters.
Inima de cerneala (distinsa
cu 12 premii internationale) este primul volum dintr-o trilogie, a carei ultima parte a aparut anul acesta. Este un roman in care cotidianul se imbina cu fantasticul, iar aventurile eroilor, desfasurate pe viata si pe moarte, ii tin cu rasuflarea taiata atat pe copii, cat si pe adulti. Mai presus de orice este vorba de insasi lumea cartii, care intretine legaturi nevazute si misterioase cu universul cotidian, caci pe de-o parte, personajele ies din carte, participand la viata de zi cu zi, pe de alta parte, oamenii intra in carte, urmandu-si fiecare destinul harazit.
Inima de cerneala ridica
problema responsabilitatii autorului fata de personajele sale, care pot aduce binele sau raul in lume. Trilogia este ecranizata in momentul de fata la Hollywood si se anunta a fi un succes la fel de rasunator ca Harry Potter. (prezentare Editura Trei)
Am cautat volumul Inima de cerneala de cand am vazut filmul si abia azi l-am gasit la un anticariat. Tot pana azi habar nu am avut ca face parte dintr-o serie:
Just a few chapters into Inkspell, Mo (a.k.a. "Silvertongue") sagely says to his daughter, "Stories never really end, Meggie, even if the books like to pretend they do. Stories always go on. They don't end on the last page, any more than they begin on the first page." A fitting meta-observation for this, the unplanned second installment in Cornelia Funke's beloved now-trilogy.
Just a few chapters into Inkspell, Mo (a.k.a. "Silvertongue") sagely says to his daughter, "Stories never really end, Meggie, even if the books like to pretend they do. Stories always go on. They don't end on the last page, any more than they begin on the first page." A fitting meta-observation for this, the unplanned second installment in Cornelia Funke's beloved now-trilogy.
Ever since the extraordinary events of Inkspell, when the enchanted book Inkheart
drew Meggie and her father, Mo, into its chapters, life in the Inkworld
has been more tragic than magical. Dustfinger is dead, having
sacrificed his life for his apprentice's, and now, under the rule of the
evil Adderhead, the fairy-tale land is in bloody chaos, its characters
far beyond the control of Fenoglio, their author. Facing the threat of
eternal winter, Mo inks a dangerous deal with Death itself. There yet
remains a faint hope of changing the cursed story—if only he can fills
its pages fast enough.
Inkdeath—the captivating final tale in the Inkheart trilogy.
Inkdeath—the captivating final tale in the Inkheart trilogy.
Ramane sa speram ca volumele 2 si 3 vor fi scoase si la noi (am cautat doar superficial, recunosc), altfel trebuie sa ne orientam (din nou) catre editurile straine.
n-am urmarit filmul si nici cartile nu le-am citit. sincer nu mi se par cine stie ce
n-am vazut, n-am citit, dar imi place um suna.
@ioana - incearca-le; banui ca sunt pentru toate varstele. Invatamintele si morala sunt prezentate subtil si dragalas. Incepe cu filmul daca vrei (e si cel mai la indemana) si nu cred ca o sa-ti para rau; in cel mai rau caz vei petrece placut vreo 1 1/2 h.
suna interesant...daca apar si la noi probabil le voi citi
Ups chiar nu stiam ca sunt carti si cu atat mai putin 3, rusine mie :))
Filmul nu am apucat sa il vad pe tot :(
Planuiam intr-un timp sa vad filmele, dar m-am prins cu altele si nici acum nu am reusit sa le vad..
Nu auzisem de ele, dar acum mi-au atras atentia. Trailerul de la film arata super, cred ca am timp maine sa vad intreg filmul.
Eu am vazut filmul !!
Dar sincer pana acum nu stiam ca sunt si carti...
Filmul e absolut minunat!! Pariez ca seria e si mai buna !!!
Am vazut filmul. Mi-a placut ideea, a fost chiar originala. Nici eu nu stiam ca sunt si carti.Ehh..dar nu-i nicio surpriza o groaza de filme si seriale se fac dupa carti
de carti nu am auzit,dar cred ca am vazut strica daca ma mai uit odata:))
Nu am mai auzit de ele...par interesante:d
Habar nu aveam de existenta cartilor :)))
Filmul nu prea mi-l reamintesc foarte exact..
Am vazut si eu filmu si am ramas wow *_* E un film superb ma mir ca nu e mai cunoscut. Mi-a facut pofta sa citesc si cartile.
Filmul e foarte frumos.L-am vazut si eu.
n-am vazut filmul dar descrierea cartii m-a convis sa-l vad cat mai curand, pentru inceput...
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