The frighteningly hip
teenage children of the world's most famous monsters have gathered
together under one brave the horrors of high school!
overshadowed by her six brothers and her fab friends, Clawdeen Wolf
plans to finally strut her stuff in the spotlight at her upcoming Sweet
Sixteen bash. But after The Ghoul Next Door goes viral, it's
into the woods for the family Wolf. Clawdeen goes stir crazy lying low
at her family's B&B with her annoying brothers until Lala shows up
to keep her company. But is the vamp flirting with Claude?!
Foarte interesanta descrierea, probabil sunt niste carti bune:)
copertile sunr superbe
copertzile sunt super.. parca vad ca sunt scrise intr-un ton dinala amuzant :)) super!!
Superbe copertile :))
Ador copertile :x Prea tari . Chiar vreau cartile astea :))
Imi plac foarte mult copertile!
Foarte tari copertile, am impresia ca, desi subiectul nu este nou, cartile sunt originale:D
ce coperti super misto
vai cat imi plac copertile:X
Descrierea e super ,iar copertile sunt super:)
Mie mi se pare amuzanta, mai ales felul in care e prezentata :)) Bine ca ii zice "High" si nu Academy sau School, ca deja titluri de astea existau :D
mie mi se par un pic amuzante copertile :))
Copertile sunt cam ciudate dar nu pre stiu ce sa zic.
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