When Emma Vaile’s parents
go missing while away on a mysterious business trip, she’s left all
alone in her creepy old house. But her brother’s very cute best friend,
Bennett Stern—Emma’s knight in J. Crew armor—arrives unexpectedly to
whisk her away to New England. There, Emma settles into his family’s
museum-like mansion and enrolls at an old-fashioned private school. She
quickly finds friends in the popular legacy crowd at Thatcher and spends
her free time crushing on Bennett.
But the eerie visions she’s been hiding from everyone have gotten worse. Emma has memories of Thatcher that she can’t explain—it’s as if she’s returning home to a place she’s never been. Finally, Emma confides in Bennett and learns she is a ghostkeeper, a person who can communicate with ghosts. Bennett brought Emma to Thatcher to protect her, but now he needs her help tracking an other-worldly murderer.
But the eerie visions she’s been hiding from everyone have gotten worse. Emma has memories of Thatcher that she can’t explain—it’s as if she’s returning home to a place she’s never been. Finally, Emma confides in Bennett and learns she is a ghostkeeper, a person who can communicate with ghosts. Bennett brought Emma to Thatcher to protect her, but now he needs her help tracking an other-worldly murderer.
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UK |
Emma Vaile ramane singura in vechea ei casa infioratoare cand parintii ii dispar intr-o calatorie de afaceri misterioasa. Dar foarte dragutul prieten cel mai bun al fratelui sau, Bennet Stern, soseste pe neasteptate si o ia pe Emma in New England. Aici Emma se stabileste in conacul ca un muzeu al familiei lui si se inscrie la o scoala privata de moda veche. Ea isi gaseste repede noi prieteni la Thatcher si isi petrece timpul liber visand la Bennet.
Dar viziunile stranii pe care le ascundea devin din ce in ce mai rele. Emma are amintiri despre Thatcher pe care nu si le poate explica - este ca si cand s-a intors acasa intr-un loc in care nu a mai fost pana acum. In final, Emma se destainuie lui Bennet si afla ca poate comunica cu fantomele. Bennet a adus-o pe Emma la Thatcher pentru a o proteja, dar acum el are nevoie de ajutorul ei pentru a urmari un criminal din lumea cealalata.
September 5th 2011
by Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
(first published June 1st 2010)
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US |

volumul 2 - Published
March 1st 2011
(first published February 21st 2011)
Volumul 3 - Expected publication:
December 6th 2011
by Bloomsbury USA Children's Books
Imi plac crengutele de pe coperta UK, imi aduc aminte de coperta pt. Fior de Maggie Stiefvater.
sicer prefer brunetele pe coperti, dar nu asta conteaza, mi se pare interesanta descriera
Toate copertile imi plac,si descrierea de asemenea!
Descrierea e interesanta:)
mi-a placut seria asta de prima data cand am citit descrierea
Imi place mult copertta pt UK. Si descrierea e tare.
Am observat ca mai tot timpul parintii dispar din peisaj la multe serii O_O
Mister si fantome, suna bine. Copertile sunt ok.
Daaa Coperta Uk e frumoasa :) Fantome si crime..sounds awesome
ce misto...carte cu fantome...imi plac mult copertile
Imi plac copertile in varianta US. Am mai citit undeva de seria asta si stiu ca si atunci mi-a placut :D
Copertile imi plac, prima varianta :)) si descrierea e super :x
Sunt superbe copertile, le ador!
Va ajunge si la noi? Imi place.
superbe copertile:x,vreau sa ajunga si le noi:x
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