Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Angel of Darkness (The Fallen #1)

As an angel of death, Keenan’s job is to collect the souls on his list. He’s carried out his duty for two thousand years and never faltered once. Until he meets Nicole St. James. When the moment of death comes, Keenan hesitates, and instead of taking Nicole, Keenan touches the vampire who’s attacking her.

Cast out of heaven for disobedience, Keenan plummets to earth. Six months later, he finally manages to track Nicole to a bar in Mexico. He’s stunned to discover that the woman he remembers has undergone a dramatic change—she’s become a vampire. And when he realizes that she’s the target of all manner of enemies—other vampires, demons, even shifters—he’ll do whatever it takes to protect her, even if all hell breaks loose…

"Vampire. Figured. Keenan had been cleaning up their messes for centuries. A mistake. That’s what all those parasites were. An experiment gone wrong.
Nicole opened her mouth to scream again and the vamp sank his teeth into her throat. Then he started drinking from her, gulping and growling and Nicole’s fingernails raked against his face as she struggled against him.
But it was too late to fight. She’d never be strong enough to break away from the vampire. She was five feet six inches tall. Maybe one hundred thirty five pounds.
The vamp was over six feet. He was lean, but muscle mass and weight didn’t really matter—not when you were talking about a vamp’s strength.
Keenan stared at the narrow opening of the alley. Soon, he’d be able to touch her and her nightmare would end.
You’re just going to stand there?” Her voice cracked.
His head whipped back toward her. Those green eyes—fury and fear—were locked on him. 

Impossible.She shouldn’t see me yet. It wasn’t time. The vamp hadn’t taken enough blood from her.
Nicole shoved her hands into the vampire’s chest, but he kept his teeth in her throat and didn’t so much as stumble. Her neck was tilted back, her head angled, and her stare was on—
“Help me.” She mouthed the words as tears slipped down her cheeks. “Please.”

She could see him. Every muscle in Keenan’s body went tight. “I will.”"


Larisa said...

An angel of death + o multime de alte fiinte supranaturale...cu siguranta seria e promitatoare.

giddusadik said...

Inca o carte care urban fantasy.... yay. exact ce ne trebuia

caval marina said...

Cui ii plac tipi musculosi sigur ii va placea si coperta:))

CCAM said...

Important sa ne placa cartea nu doar coperta. Pe de alta parte, nu-i nimic rau sa ne placa musculosii doar nu o trebui sa ne placa burtosii, slabanogii si alte aratari odioase si neatragatoare. Vorba aia: "Ce e frumos si lui Dzeu ii place!" Daca replica ar fi "Barbatul trebuie sa fie doar un pic mai frumos ca dracu'" atunci as raspunde ca nu stim cum arata dracu' dar, ca sa ne duca in ispita ar trebui sa arate foarteeee bine, nu-i asa?:))

CCAM said...

PS - asta nu inseamna ca-mi place tipul de pe coperta... barbatii trebuie sa arate si la trup si la chip si sa mai aiba si ceva in cap altfel nu-i de ajuns... Nu cred ca poza se potriveste cu personajul, iar mie mi-a trezit interesul partea cu "he’ll do whatever it takes to protect her, even if all hell breaks loose…"

Andreea said...

Foarte interesanta .Chiar imi place si mi-ar placea sa o citesc

ioana alexandra said...

inca o carte numa' buna de citit:D
coperta e frumoasa ( dar nu ma refer neaparat la tip)

@CCAM si mie imi place fraza aia:x

Alexandra said...

Pare o carte chiar frumoasa.Descrierea e foarte tare :X

Mirela said...

oooo ce bunaciune miauu...si descrierea la carte e prea tare

Dana said...

Interesanta descrierea!
Si de coperta nu mai zic :))

♥MIM said...

Vaaiii, cartea asta vreau sa o am si numai daca ma uit la coperta!=))

monika.love96 said...

Ce abdomen are tipu de pe coperta.

KittygoesFoxy said...

Nu ma omor dupa coperta, dar imi place descrierea cartiii. Cred ca e chiar frumoasa.

andra lavander said...

nici eu nu pot spune ca ma incanta coperta, dar descriera chiar imi place mult

JustLaugh said...

wow..descrierea m-i se pare foarte buna:)..coperta nu prea

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