Theresa Oliver, Dawn
Jayne, J.S. Wilsoncroft, J.B. Sullivan, Jana Boskey, Susan Harris, Roy
Hudson, Stephen De Marino, Rebecca Nolan, Jo-Anne McLeary, Caitlin
McColl, Dawn Kirby, and Stephanie Greenhalgh bring you 13 Tales of the
The chills are creeping up your neck, the unknown watch you from a breath away, and the long dead seem closer than ever…
In the modern age, our five senses are constantly bombarded by the world around us: flashing screens, loud noises, barking, yelling, horn honking, billboards, bustling crowds, arrogant bosses, and the constant hustle of a busy schedule. It's hard to even think of having a moment alone.
But it is when we are alone, that our sixth sense has a chance to surface. I invite you to take a moment, or two, for yourself to sit down, dim the lights and spend some time with the strange and the weird. Sift through some stories that will have you looking into dark corners, listening to the creeks of the floor, and wondering if the movement of your curtain is the work of something other than a breeze.
In the modern age, our five senses are constantly bombarded by the world around us: flashing screens, loud noises, barking, yelling, horn honking, billboards, bustling crowds, arrogant bosses, and the constant hustle of a busy schedule. It's hard to even think of having a moment alone.
But it is when we are alone, that our sixth sense has a chance to surface. I invite you to take a moment, or two, for yourself to sit down, dim the lights and spend some time with the strange and the weird. Sift through some stories that will have you looking into dark corners, listening to the creeks of the floor, and wondering if the movement of your curtain is the work of something other than a breeze.
Super:X Am impresia ca va groaza:))
@Nyx ai impresia? :)) ce coincidenta :)) me too :X
Cat de sinistra poate sa fie copertaa! Nu prea ma tenteaza cartile de genul asta..imi place sa dorm noaptea :)) Daca as citit asa ceva as avea cosmaruri minim o saptamana. Nu pot spune totusi ca nu-i interesanta descrierea :)
Coperta e super creepy,'quelle horreure'! Urasc tot ce tine de horror!
@Theo~: Da, si pe mine ma 'paste' impresia asta!
@Alecsa All: :)) Da, si eu vreau sa dorm noaptea! Cat despre cosmaruri mie cre ca imi raman vreo 6 luni!
coperta spune multe despre continut si eu am un singur lucru de adaugat: nu e bine sa o cititi noaptea!
Wwww...... pare super interesanta cartea . Adica intotdeauna m-au incantat cartile horror , chiar daca pana acum nu am citit niciuna :(
Dar sper ca in viitorul apropriat sa-mi fac rost de una de acest gen :)
mie imi place descrierea si as citi-o fara probleme:))
coperta nu-mi place
de unde pot cumpara cartea....e prea taree
Imi place. Coperta e asa ciudataaa!!! x_X
Super o carte horror!!!:d
Hm, nu prea stiu ce sa zic despre al saselea simt, dar stiu ca aceasta carte mi-a atras atentia prin coperta si descriere.
O coperta care nu spune prea multe despre carte.In rest nu prea ma pot pronunta despre continut
Coperta te duce imediat cu gandul la horror, mie mi se pare chiar potrivita, mai ales cum au scris si titlul...super creativ.
Ooo, imi place. E straniu!:X
Nu ma atrage absolut deloc cartea
wow..ce coperta ma inspaimanta dae e faina:))....iar descrierea ce sa mai spun imi place foarte mult:D
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