by Alan Ball, David Tischman, Mariah Huehner, David Messina
Blood and sex mix on a hot rainy night at Merlotte's, when Sookie and her friends are trapped by a vengeful spirit who feeds on shame. People die and dirty secrets are revealed as Sookie, Bill, Eric, Sam, Tara, Jason, and Lafayette and are all coerced to dig deep and tell painful memories from their past-those things we all have locked within us that we never tell another living soul! Bon Temps, Louisiana has never been stranger, or more twisted, in a story co-plotted by TRUE BLOOD series creator Alan Ball, with a script by David Tischman (Bite Club) and Mariah Huehner, and lush art by David Messina (Star Trek: Countdown).
True Blood, Vol. 2: Tainted Love (Published September 20th 2011 by IDW Publishing)
by Marc Andreyko, Michael McMillian, Joe Corroney
by Marc Andreyko, Michael McMillian, Joe Corroney
Hoyt, the human boyfriend of Jessica, tries to do a good deed... and it doesn't go unpunished! Hoyt notices that Jessica has been staring at a poster for a local prom night, which leads him to romantically scheme to throw a surprise one for her at Merlotte's (with the help of friends Sookie, Sam and Tara). Unfortunately, things go awry when the Jessica is drinks a bit much of the punch... which just happens to be part of a TAINTED batch of Tru Blood! This causes Jessica to lose control and run off into the night, rampaging at whatever comes before her! While Hoyt and Bill (with a little help from Jason) come to her aid, Sookie and Lafayette try another route to helping their friend-by seeking out Eric, owner of Fangtasia... and the local sheriff! It's a thrill ride beyond compare as Sookie, Bill, Eric, Sam, Tara, Lafayette and Jason all struggle bring Jessica back to the safety of Bon Temps... Before the ever-approaching dawn arrives!!
Nuvela Grafica dupa True Blood, super :x. Deci din descriere si ce vad pe coperti e dupa True Blood(serialul) nu dupa carti :)
ar fi fost bine sa fie personajele din minteau autoarei si nu dupa actorii din serial
sa stii ca personajele din serial se potrivesc foarte bine cu cele descrise in carte. povestea in sine nu e chiar la fel dar personajele, felul lor de-a fi, sunt foarte reusite in serial. ma refer la cele principale, cateva: sookie, eric, bill, jason si sam
O idee foarte buna sa publice aceste"carti"
Probabil din "graphic" vor lipsi scenele cu recomandari speciale de varsta avand in vedere ca si in DH au fost scoase.
sper sa apara si la noi in tara
cred ca este singura nuvele grafica care imi place:)
desenele sunt foarte reusite
Probabil vor aparea si la noi.Cel putin asa speram.Nu?
Am vazut ca nuvelele grafice prind destul de bine la public, probabil ca nici aceasta nu face exceptie. Publicul s-a obisnuit cu actorii, se prea poate ca din aceasta cauza desenele sa fie realizate dupa ei.
mie imi place orice nuvela grafica.mai ales cea de la Twilight,fara suparare fanele lui Edward,dar cel desenat arata mult mai bine :D
ai dreptate monika edward desenat arata mai bine:))
Mie mi se pare ca Bella arata mai bine...Edward parca e tot acelasi.
Foarte tare.Mi-ar placea sa apara si la noi
Simie mi-ar placea sa apara si la noi :x ar fi ceva frumos facut pentru fanii acestei serii..:x
Da, depinde daca ar fi interesati in aceeasi masura ca si de carti...Personajele acestea seamana perfect cu actorii.
Pe site-ul oficial al scriitoarei este un link catre niste imagini facute de o fana, dar pe care Charlaine le sustine pentru ca zice ca sunt exact asa cum si le-a imaginat ea.. Sookie e mai dragutza ;))))
Si dap, Laura, chiar sunt la fel ca cele din serial..
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