Wrestling with the werewolf curse pulsing deep inside of her, Grace Divine was finally able to find her brother, but it nearly cost her everything.
With her boyfriend, Daniel, stuck in wolf form and Sirhan's death approaching, time is running out for Grace to stop Caleb Kalbi and his gang of demons. If she fails, her family and hometown will perish. Everything rests on Grace's shoulders.
The final installment in The Dark Divine trilogy brings Daniel and Grace's love story to a breathtaking conclusion.
Expected publication: March 13th 2012 by EgmontUSA
Book 2 Book 2

A Prodigal Son
A Dangerous Love
A Deadly Secret
Grace Divine—daughter of the local pastor—always knew something terrible happened the night Daniel Kalbi disappeared and her brother Jude came home covered in his own blood.
Now that Daniel's returned, Grace must choose between her growing attraction to him and her loyalty to her brother.
As Grace gets closer to Daniel, she learns the truth about that mysterious night and how to save the ones she loves, but it might cost her the one thing she cherishes most: her soul.
Grave Divine - fiica pastorului local - a stiut mereu ca s-a intamplat ceva groaznic in noaptea in care Daniel Kalbi a disparut, iar fratele ei a venit acasa plin de propriul sange.
Acum ca Daniel s-a intors, Grace trebuie sa aleaga intre atractia crescanda pe care o simte fata de el si loialitatea pe care o are pentru fratele ei.
In timp ce Grace se apropie din ce in ce mai mult de Daniel, ea afla ce s-a intamplat in acea noapte misterioasa si cum ii poate salva pe cei pe care-i iubeste, dar asta o poate costa singurul lucru pe care-l pretuieste: sufletul ei
suna interesanta seria...de coperti nici nu mai zic :D
sunt in intregime de acord cu @monika.love96
Chiar suna bine descrierile.. iar copertile.. puuuuuuuurrrrrrrfffect =p~
Ce dragutzeee sunt copertile le ador :x:X iar descrierea e ok pare interesanta :D
Imi place coperta cu violet, dar si restul sunt dragute, la fel ca si seria.
eu as alege familia, mi se pare mai importanta decat orice altceva
Descrierea pare chiar interesanta, la fel ca si copertile :X
Foarte interesanta seria Îmi place la fel de mult ca coperta
O carte cu mult mister ,chiar pe placul meu.Si copertile sunt superbe.
superbe copertile:x
si descrierea imi place
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