Then someone did.
The worst part of being dead is that there’s nothing left to live for. No more kisses. No more secrets. No more gossip. It’s enough to kill a girl all over again. But I’m about to get something no one else does—an encore performance, thanks to Emma, the long-lost twin sister I never even got to meet.
Now Emma’s desperate to know what happened to me. And the only way to figure it out is to be me—to slip into my old life and piece it all together. But can she laugh at inside jokes with my best friends? Convince my boyfriend she’s the girl he fell in love with? Pretend to be a happy, carefree daughter when she hugs my parents good night? And can she keep up the charade, even after she realizes my murderer is watching her every move?
From Sara Shepard, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Pretty Little Liars books, comes a riveting new series about secrets, lies, and killer consequences.
Let the lying game begin.
Now Emma’s desperate to know what happened to me. And the only way to figure it out is to be me—to slip into my old life and piece it all together. But can she laugh at inside jokes with my best friends? Convince my boyfriend she’s the girl he fell in love with? Pretend to be a happy, carefree daughter when she hugs my parents good night? And can she keep up the charade, even after she realizes my murderer is watching her every move?
From Sara Shepard, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Pretty Little Liars books, comes a riveting new series about secrets, lies, and killer consequences.
Let the lying game begin.

Sara Shepard, the author of the Pretty Little Liars novels, has followed up those top-selling fictions with an even more artfully knotted series. At its center is a murdered narrator whose long-lost identical twin sister Emma is serving as a stand-in detective to find the killer. In the second episode of their hunt, the pair discovers new clues, but they know that as they search for the killer, he or she is watching their every move, waiting for the right moment to end it all. Editor's recommendation.

Set in a town where friends can turn into dangerous enemies and everyone harbors dark secrets, The Lying Game is a juicy new series that fans of the #1 New York Times bestselling Pretty Little Liars series—and the hit ABC Family show—will love.
Aveam o viata pentru care ar fi ucis oricine.
Apoi cineva chiar a facut-o.
Partea cea mai rea in a fi mort, este ca nu mai ai pentru ce trai. Nicio sarutare, niciun secret, nicio barfa. Si asta e suficient pentru o fata, ca sa moara din nou. Dar eu sunt pe cale sa primesc ceva ce nimeni n-a mai primit - inca o intrupare, multumita Emmei, geamana mea demult-pierduta pe care nici n-am apucat s-o cunosc.
Acum Emma este disperata sa afle ce mi s-a intamplat. Si singura cale de a-si da seama este sa fie in locul meu - sa paseasca in fosta mea viata si sa puna totul cap la cap. Dar poate ea sa rada la glume intime impreuna cu fostii mei prieteni? Sa-l convinga pe iubitul meu ca ea este fata de care s-a indragostit? Sa pretinda ca este fiica cea fericita si lipsita de griji atunci cand imi imbratiseaza parintii de noapte buna? Si poate ea sa mentina sarada chiar si cand isi da seama ca asasinul meu ii urnareste fiecare miscare?
De la Sara Shepard, autoarea seriei Micutele Mincinoase, soseste aceasta spectaculoasa serie despre secrete, minciuni, si consecinte criminale.
Sa-nceapa jocul mincinos.
Ce bine suna :) Ma bucur ca Leda va publica seria, este interesanta. Se va pastra coperta originala?
Larisa, nu stiu. Poate. Sunt dragute copertile.
Abia astept sa apara :X:X
Nu stiu ce sa zic, pare mai interesanta ca Micutele mincinoase... nu am citit MM dar am vazut din serial e interesant dar nu ma atarge asa mult...
abia astept sa apara. momentan MM mi se pare mai buna decat TLG (cand spun asta ma refer la serial), dar dupa ce o sa citesc cartile poate imi schimb parerea, cine stie:D
eu sper sa schimbe copertile, nu-mi plac
seama putin cu micutele mincinoase, chair daca de data aceasta geamana nu este malefica
Imi place serialul,sper sa imi placa si cartile cand vor aparea la noi in tara!
Probabil ca Sara Shepard s-a specializat in domeniul intrigilor si al minciunii :))
Probabil ca o sa aflam in curand cum vor arata copertile de la noi.
Daca intrati pe sit-ul LEDA veti vedea ca o sa apara in noiembrie.
Uite o serie pe care am citit-o pe nerasuflate :x
Mi-a placut mult de tot intriga in sine.. desi daca stau sa ma gandesc multe scene m-au facut sa imi doresc sa fi gasit un alt final, pana la urma mi-am dat seama ca era finalul pe care il asteptam..
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