Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sherry Soule's Forever Knight changes to Disenchanted

Sherry was very nice to let me know that her Forever Knight novel changed name and cover. You can find the old ones HERE and now let's talk about the new ones, which are even more beautiful!
Elizabeth Blackburn doesn’t believe in fate or the supernatural until she moves into Cliffside Manor and begins having nightmares about a woman who was murdered in the house.

Determined to unlock secrets that have remained hidden for centuries, Elizabeth is plunged into an otherworldly mystery that not even she can explain away, not to mention, her uncontrollable attraction to the former owner, Dorian Knight.

As the history of the Knight family curse begins to unravel, tensions heighten and old secrets turn deadly. Even though Dorian wants nothing to do with Elizabeth and goes out of his way to make that very clear–she can’t let it go...even if it kills her.

Translation for my romanian readers:

Cartea Forever Knight de Sherry Soule si-a schimbat titlul si coperta. Sper sa va placa si cele noi pentru ca mie mi se par si mai frumoase. Sherry a fost foarte draguta si m-a anuntat de schimbare asa ca vedeti mai sus noua coperta si aveti si descrierea imediat. Pe cele vechi le puteti vedea AICI
Elizabeth Blackburn nu crede in destin, sau in paranormal, pana cand se muta in Conacul Cliffside si incepe sa aiba cosmaruri despre o femeie ucisa in aceasta casa.
Hotarata sa dezlege secrete ramase ascunse de sute de ani, Elizabeth este atrasa intr-un mister supranatural pe care nici macar ea nu-l poate socoti ca fiind neimportant. Fara a pune la socoteala de atractia ei necontrolata fata de fostul stapan, Dorian Knight.
Pe masura ce povestea despre blestemul familiei Knight este descoperita, tensiunea creste, iar secrete vechi devin ucigatoare. Chiar daca Dorian nu vrea sa aiba nimic de-a face cu Elizabeth - si se straduieste ca acest lucru sa fie foarte clar - ea nu poate sa renunte, chiar daca asta o poate costa viata.


CCAM said...

Si prima imi placea...

Larisa said...

Da, ambele erau ok, probabil ca au vrut ceva mai somptuos... Imi place numele de Dorian Knight :)

andra lavander said...

ambele coperti sunt frumoase, si mie imi place numele de knight, probabil din acest motiv sunt fana vampire knight, desi sunt de sigura ca imi place povestea mai mult decat numele

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