Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Karen Marie Moning's new book manuscript and comment !!!

Karen Marie Moning

"If you google 'foul matter' the first thing that comes up is "offensive to the senses" which makes me LMAO because that's what the edited version of a writer's manuscript is called, and believe me by the time it looks like this it feels pretty foul. When it was returned in the mail a few days ago, it occurred to me aspiring writers might find it kind of interesting."


CCAM said...

Imi plac la nebunie "manuscrisele"! Sa vezi cum isi schimba ideile, cuvintele, actiunea... creerea unui text.. of! o minune!

Larisa said...

Cu sguranta este interesant de observat felul in care ia nastere o carte. Ma bucura faptul ca a facut publice aceste manuscrise

andra lavander said...

bine de stiu cum arata si munca dinaintea publicarii cartii

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