Monday, August 1, 2011

Program 13 (Program 13 #1) by Nicole Sobon

There is a place in Seattle, Washington called Vesta Life. They prey on the living – stalking their subject for weeks before killing them. I should know. I was one of their victims. They brought me back to their building and erased me, replacing my body with Program 13. She wasn’t alive. She didn’t deserve my life. But she had a purpose; all of their programs have a purpose.

Charles McVeigh, the man behind Vesta Life, wants to create the perfect society. His plan is to create programs that look and act human, but are controlled by computers on the inside. What he wants them to do, they will. He would have complete and utter control. Would, except Hayden, my old caretaker at Vesta Life, plans to make sure I’m not a part of his plan.

With his help, I’ll get my body back from Program 13, along with my life.

A life that I was never ready to give up.

Translation for my romanian readers:

Exista un loc in Seattle, Washington numit Vesta Life. Ei se hranesc cu persoane vii - urmarindu-si prada cu saptamani inainte s-o ucida. Eu ar trebui sa stiu. Am fost una din victimele lor. M-au dus inapoi in cladirea lor si m-au "sters", inlocuindu-mi corpul cu Programul 13. Ea nu era vie. Nici nu merita viata mea. Dar avea un scop; toate programele lor au un scop.
Charles Mc Veigh, omul din spatele Vesta Life, vrea sa creeze o societate perfecta. Planul lui este sa infiinteze programe care arata si se comporta uman, dar sunt controlate de computere din interior. Orice vrea el sa faca, ele vor face. El ar avea control deplin.
Ar avea, numai ca Hayden, vechiul meu ingrijitor de la Vesta Life, vrea sa se asigure ca eu nu voi fi parte a acestui plan.
Cu ajutorul lui, imi voi recapata corpul de la Programul 13, impreuna cu viata mea.
O viata la care nu am fost pregatita sa renunt.

1 comment:

Larisa said...

Ce bine seamana cu imaginea de pe albumul Christinei Aguilera, Bionic :D Evident, e o coincidenta. Deci cartea implica o conspiratie malefica, pare interesant.

Si soarele e o stea

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