Sunday, July 31, 2011

Clarity Series by Kim Harrington

When you can see things others can't, where do you look for the truth?
This paranormal murder mystery will have teens reading on the edge of their seats.
Clarity "Clare" Fern sees things. Things no one else can see. Things like stolen kisses and long-buried secrets. All she has to do is touch a certain object, and the visions come to her. It's a gift.
And a curse.
When a teenage girl is found murdered, Clare's ex-boyfriend wants her to help solve the case - but Clare is still furious at the cheating jerk. Then Clare's brother - who has supernatural gifts of his own - becomes the prime suspect, and Clare can no longer look away. Teaming up with Gabriel, the smoldering son of the new detective, Clare must venture into the depths of fear, revenge, and lust in order to track the killer. But will her sight fail her just when she needs it most?

When you can see things others can't, what do you do when someone's watching you?

Everybody knows about Clarity "Clare" Fern. She's the psychic girl in school, the one who can place her hands on something and see hidden visions from the past.

Only Clare would rather not be a celebrity. She prefers hanging back, observing. Her gift is not a game to her.

But then someone starts playing with her head . . . and heart. Messages and gifts from a secret admirer crop up everywhere Clare turns. Could they be from Gabriel, the gorgeous boy who gets Clare's pulse racing? Or from Justin, Clare's hopeful ex-boyfriend who'd do anything to win her back?

One thing is certain. Clare needs to solve this mystery, and soon. Because the messages are becoming sinister, and a girl in town has suddenly disappeared.

Translation for my romanian readers:

Cand poti vedea lucruri pe care altii nu le vad, incotro iti indrepti  privirea pentru a afla adevarul?
Clarity "Clare" Fern vede lucruri. Lucruri pe care nimeni altcineva nu le poate vedea. Lucruri ca sarutari furate si secrete de mult timp ingropate. Tot ceea ce trebuie sa faca este sa atinga un anumit obiect si viziunile incep imediat. Este un dar. Si un blestem.
Cand o adolescenta este gasita moarta, fostul prieten al lui Clare vrea sa o ajute in rezolvarea cazului - dar ea este inca suparata pe el din cauza infidelitatii. Apoi fratele ei  - care are propriile talente supranaturale - devine suspectul principal si Clare nu mai poate sa stea deoparte. Unindu-si fortele cu Gabriel, fiul cel atragator al noului detectiv, Clare se aventureaza pe culmile fricii, razbunarii si dorintei, pentru a urmari criminalul. Dar oare o va dezamagi talentul ei atunci cand are nevoie de el mai mult?


Iosif Maria said...

Am si eu o remarca de facut. Am citit rezumatul si cateva fraze nu prea suna in regula. Spre sfarsit scrie "dar ea este inca suparata afurisitul infidel" si " oare va esua vederea ei...". Sper sa nu te deranjeze critica mea (ti-am cautat si eu nod in papura :-p)
In rest, citesc cu interes posturile, nu am citit nici o carte de genul paranormal - mystery,spre rusinea mea, dar deocamdata vreau sa termin seria Jules Verne.
Mult succes in continuare si la cat mai multi follow-eri.

Christyna_BM said...

Buna. Incerc sa pastrez traducerile cat mai apropiate de intelesul lor real, nu e mereu usor. Am sa revin asupra frazelor respective :)

andra lavander said...

seamana putin cu ever la abilitati

Larisa said...

Titlul are dublu inteles din cate am citit...frumos :D Are si elemente din carti politiste si elemente supranaturale, cred ca e reusita.

Palmaciu Elena said...

Pai mie a 2-a coperta mi-sa parut mai "faina".Actiunea din carte este oarecum mai repetata am gasit multe carti in care personajele aveau diferite abilitati.Dar este chiar OK

Larisa said...

Vedeti, stiam si eu ca ati mai prezentat seria aceasta :) Si acum e transformata in serial, o veste foarte buna.

Si soarele e o stea

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