Wednesday, July 13, 2011

REVIEW: Resurrection (A Bringer and the Bane Novel, #1) by Boone Brux

Goodreads summary: Protecting humans is the Bringers’ duty. Sending demons to the Shadow World is their pleasure.

In one night, Ravyn’s life plunges from barely tolerable to deadly. Forced to flee the only home she’s ever known, Ravyn stumbles headlong into the clutches of a powerful demon intent on stealing her powers. Unfortunately for him, she has no intention of cooperating.

When Rhys realizes the woman he rescued from the Demon Bane is no mere human, his obligation as a Bringer dictates he protect and train her in the ways of his people. But he’s unprepared for the intense desire he feels for the fiery Ravyn. To surrender to his need may mean her death.

As the Demon Bane threat escalates, igniting terror and chaos across the realm, Rhys and Ravyn must embark on a perilous journey to unite the last of the Bringers–and explore a passion too powerful to ignore.

My thaughts: 
I had a hard time getting into this book, I don't really know why, because it's not a bad book, I guess I just read it at the wrong moment.
Ravyn grew up at the Abbey since infancy, never knew who her parents were, thought they gave her away because of her abilities. She can use fire as a weapon to defend herself, see spirits and interact with them. Life at the Abbey wasn’t good, but she had the other girls, who always came to her for advice, she has always been the strong one, always taking care of the ones she cared about.
Rhys is the last full blooded Bringer, mythical warriors that can sense and fight the Bane. The rest of his kind were killed by these demons some 300 years ago, and he’s fighting them by himself ever since. Something else is luring him to the Abbey, besides his Bane alarm: an unfamiliar presence he feels attracted to. But he made a vow long time ago, not to let feelings get in the way of his duty.
When Ravyn is almost killed by Icarus, the Bane’s second in command, Rhys must save her, keep her safe and also find out what the Bane wants her for. They immediately feel an intense desire, but Rhys’ vow keeps him from showing his feelings.
However I found some things that didn’t work for me.
I felt a little bit out of time. The age when the action takes place isn’t mentioned in the novel, and I’m not really ok with that. It’s a time when people ride horses and stay at an Inn, nothing strange here. But the dialogues are modern. I don’t think people riding horses used words like “sexy”or “perplexing”.
The easy way in which some characters take in the existence of supernatural elements seemed a little unnatural to me. It’s not bad, just odd.
Ravyn walks through many first-time-things in this novel too quickly and in an easy way…there’s no accommodation time between the last one and the next.
I would have liked a better explaining of some terms, and some abilities mentioned at the beginning were almost forgotten in the rest of the book. But since there will be at least another book in the series, and I hope we'll find more about that.

Translation for my romanian readers: 

Protejarea oamenilor este datoria Bringer-ilor, trimiterea demonilor inapoi in Taramul Umbrelor este placerea lor.
Intr-o singura noapte viata lui Ravyn se transforma din abia tolerabila in mortala. Fortata sa paraseasca singurul camin pe care l-a cunoscut, Ravyn aterizeaza direct in ghearele unui puternic demon, hotarat sa-i fure puterile. Din nefericire pentru el, ea nu are intentia sa coopereze.
Cand Rhys realizeaza ca femeia pe care a salvat-o de Demon nu e un simplu muritor, obligatia sa de Bringer ii diteaza sa o protejeze si sa o instruiasca dupa obiceiurile celor ca el. Insa nu este pregatit pentru intensa atractie pe care o simte fata de ea.


CCAM said...

Imi place ca ai aratat si minusurile; bravo si mai astept recenzii

Christyna_BM said...

Multumesc. Eh...abia m-am acomodat cu recenziile. Cred ca de acum vor fi mai multe

A. Santiago said...

sounds interesting :)

Larisa said...

Misterioasa coperta...O recenzie reusita, ce prezinta si plusurile si minusurile cartii, mi-a placut.

Palmaciu Elena said...

Da interesanta,Romantica as zice dar nu prea este

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