I was never good at starting reviews and it’s difficult for me now, as ever, to begin this one. But once it’s started, the ideas just keep coming. Fever series wasn’t on my reading list from the beginning, you know the story - many ARC’s to review (this not being one of them), many things to do, no time - sure you do. I have a lot of friends who read it though, and they kept telling me: “Barrons is the best! Wait until you meet V’lane! Awesome cliffhanger! Read it pleeease…who am I talking to about it if you don’t?” and let me tell you that the last one made me do it! Do you know how awful it is to read and like a book and have no one to talk to about it? So I began reading….and couldn’t stop!
This series is my last crush! For three books I couldn’t even choose between Barrons and V’lane. Nothing is as it seems in the beginning, the perspectives keep changing along the way and you can’t guess a thing until the end. Not that I like guessing the book’s end, but this insecurity kept me on the edge of my seat all the time…and this is a good thing.
Mac…I met Mac as a beautiful southern girl, who liked pink, painting her nails, getting tanned. She loved her parents and her sister Alina who’d come home for the summer soon, from Dublin, where she was studying.
Nothing clouded her existence…until her sister’s death.
She sets off to Ireland to solve her murder and revenge Alina, but comes to find that there is a lot more involved with the crime than she initially thought: Faeries, an old prophecy, and a bunch of other supernatural beings.
That’s where she meets Jericho Barrons, a tall, dark and hot bookshop owner, who has a lot to hide and V’lane, a prince of the Fae, otherwise known as a death-by-sex fae. Who can she turn to? Who can she trust?
She transforms into a black-wearing, weapon slinging woman who can see the Faerie creatures that cross over into our world. In addition to finding Alina’s killer, now she has to uncover the secrets of her existence as well.
I was very lucky, because I began reading the series after the fifth book was out. I can’t imagine all the fans surviving after the cliffhanger of the fourth *lol*
When I started reading the books, I thaught this could be a YA series, if for the older young adults, but no. This is definitely for adults. The paranormal romance fans will be delighted by reading this one, which is well written and has a good story as well.
I want to mention one more thing: Mac’s story is revealed in all the five books, no happy ending at the end of each one of them, so you must respect their order.
Happy reading!
Favorite Quotes:
"You, Ms. Lane, are a menace to others! A walking, talking catastrophe in pink!"- Barrons
"―Don‘t leave me. I thrash in the sheets.
―I‘m not, Mac.
I know I am dreaming then, because dreams are home to the absurd and what he says next is beyond absurd.
―You‘re leaving me, Rainbow Girl." - Mac & Barrons
―You‘re leaving me, Rainbow Girl." - Mac & Barrons
"Nobody looks good in their darkest hours. But it's those hours that make us what we are. - Mac"
"I'm the one who will always watch over you. Always be there to f**k you back to your senses when you need it, the one who will never let you die." - Barrons
"Just one time... When you know who I am. Let me be your man." — Jericho Barrons
Translation for my romanian readers:
M-am indragostit de aceasta serie! :D Timp de trei carti nici nu am putut sa-mi aleg un preferat intre Barrons si V'lane. Nimic nu este ceea ce pare a fi la inceput, iar perspectivele continua sa se schimbe pe toata durata povestii. Nu am putut sa ghicesc nimic din final - nu ca mi-ar placea sa ghicesc finalul cartilor, insa incertitudinile m-au tinut intr-o tensiune continua (si asta e de bine!).
O cunoastem pe Mac, o frumoasa tanara din sud, ale carei pasiuni erau culoarea roz, manichiura si bronzatul. Isi iubea parintii si sora, Alina, care urma sa vina acasa pe perioada verii de la studii din Dublin. Nimic nu-i intuneca existenta...pana la moartea surorii ei.
Mac pleaca in Irlanda pentru a rezolva crima si a-si razbuna sora, dar afla ca exista mult mai multe in legatura cu ea decat si-a inchipuit: Zane, o veche profetie si o multime de fiinte supranaturale.
Acolo il intalneste pe Jericho Barrons, un proprietar de librarie inalt, atragator si intunecat, care ascunde multe si pe V'lane, print al zanelor. La cine poate apela Mac? In cine poate ea avea incredere?
Pe langa datoria de a-l prinde pe ucigasul Alinei, ea trebuie sa descopere si secretele propriei ei existente. Finalul povestii este total neasteptat !
Lectura placuta!
Imi place foarte mult prezentarea. Nu ai dezvaluit nimic dar m-ai facut suficient de curioasa pentru a o cauta. Imi plac si ilustratiile!
PS: E amuzanta si introducerea si poate ar fi bine s-o traduci si pe ea.
Wonderful blog. I am a new follower from Book blogs. Welcome. I would like to invite you over to my blog for a follow when you have a moment. I write book reviews and stories about my crazy life. Hope to see you soon and I'll be checking out more reviews here. Donna
Thank you. You have a nice blog too.
Awesome! And now you got me hooked on this series too! All those ARCs I left behind to read it are sticking their tongues out at me now! Ok, I'm just kidding - sort of.:))
I read book #1 and I just started book #2, so I didn't see much of V'lane yet. But I LOVE Barrons!<3 It's one of my favorite series now, too! I really love how the story develops slowly and how we get to know the characters step by step. Great review, btw!:*
N-am gasit decat Dark, Blood si precomanda pt shadow.... ma enerveaza!
pe book depository sunt toate 4 si a cincea hardcover. m-am uitat si eu cu Deea aseara. Am hotarat sa asteptam pana apare si shadowfever paperback
Am inteles si mai bine de ce seria aceasta ti-a atras atentia :) Are de toate, tine cititorul in suspans iar Barrons (ce nume neobisnuit) are simtul umorului :))
O serie superba plina de mistere trebuie sa o am!
Ar fi atat de tare daca ar aparea si la noi...
o serie superba, odata ce m-am apucat de ea n-am mai putut sa o las din mana, BM face unele din cele mai bune recomandari de lectura. nu poti sa regreti ca ai citit Fever seriers, poate putin la sfarsitul vol4 si inceputul vol5, dar apoi devi si mai captivat. o serie la care plangi si razi, traiesti povestea ca si cum ar fi reala
Fara nici un dubiu, la mine Jericho a fost si este personajul preferat al seriei. Mac, pe alocuri, m-a scos din sarite :)).
Foarte frumoasa seria, recomand si seria Highlander, cel putin, ultimele 3, 4 volume ne ajuta, oarecum, sa intelegem mai multe din povestea Fever..
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