Monday, July 11, 2011

Incubus (Fairwick Chronicles #1) by Carol Goodman

‘This is where all stories start, on the edge of a dark wood…’

Dr. Callie McFay’s travels to the small college town of Fairwick in New York State for a job interview. Despite it being her second choice she finds herself talked into accepting a job offer from the Folklore Department to teach a class on demons and vampires. She also finds herself drawn to an old house in the woods where Gothic novelist Dahlia LaMotte used to live and buys it on a whim, despite the seeming reluctance of the estate agent to sell it to her.

But on the night of her job interview, she had a very vivid erotic dream about a man made out of shadows and moonlight, and this dream becomes a regular occurrence when she moves into her new home. Callie starts to feel like a heroine in one of the gothic novels she teaches as slowly it dawns on her that things at the college – and in her home – are not what they seem. She learns that her house is supposed to be haunted by LaMotte’s former lover and her new – and rather strange – colleagues tell her an unfamiliar fairy tale about an incubus-demon with a human past who was enchanted by a fairy queen…

Translation for my romanian readers:

Aici incep toate povestile, la marginea unei paduri intunecate...

Dr. Callie McFay calatoreste intr-un orasel studentesc numit Fairwick, in New York State, pentru un interviu.
Desi era al doilea pe lista ei de optiuni, se trezeste convinsa sa accepte jobul la Departamentul de Folclor, pentru a preda un curs despre demoni si vampiri. De asemenea se simte atrasa de o casa veche din padure, unde traia scriitoarea de romane gotice Dahlia LaMotte, pe care o cumparain ciuda rezervelor agentului de vanzari.
Dar in noaptea interviului pentru job, are un vis cu un barbat creat din umbre si lumina lunii. Acest vis devine o constanta din momentul in care se muta in casa cea noua. Callie incepe sa se simta ca una din eroinele romanelor gotice pe masura ca realizeaza ca lucrurile la scoala si in noua ei casa nu sunt ceea ce par a fi. Ea afla despre casa ca ar fi bantuita de fostul iubit al Dahliei LaMotte, iar noii - si ciudatii - ei colegi ii spun o peveste neobisnuita despre un demon incubus cu un trecut uman, care a fost fermecat de o regina a zanelor


Only Books said...

Ce tare e!:X

CCAM said...

Da, promite. Ti-am mai spus Cristina cu toate recomandarile voastre in curand o sa ajung sa nu mai am timp si pentru altceva/alt gen...

Larisa said...

Suna bine titlul, la fel si descrierea desi depinde daca demonul e prietenos.

Palmaciu Elena said...

Superba cartea ceva nou.

Larisa said...

Coperta este interesanta, ma duce cu gandul la mister si supranatural.

Si soarele e o stea

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