Harold Gaynor, un cap al lumii interlope, ii ofera Anitei un miliom de dolari pentru a reanima un zombie de aproape trei sute de ani. Stiind ca pentru asa ceva va fi necesar un sacrificiu uman, Anita refuza oferta, intrind in conflict cu Gaynor care-si va trimite asasinii pe urmele ei. Dar cind mortii incep sa iasa din morminte, Anita isi da seama ca altcineva a reanimat zombiul lui Gaynor. Anita intra in conflict cu Dominga Salvador, o preoteasa voodoo. O creatura macelareste citeva familii din St. Louis. Anita Blake si detectivul Dolph Storr se ocupa de caz. Un mare ajutor vine din partea unei prostituate, Wanda-cea-in-scaun-cu-rotile. Apare din nou in scena Jean-Claude, vampirul-suprem, devenit intre timp noul stapin al orasului.
O tanara atragatoare, inteligenta, cu simtul umorului, bun detectiv si intr-o forma fizica excelenta, pentru a se putea lupta cu vampiri, licantropi si alte vietuitoare care de care mai ciudate si mai puternice. Ar mai fi fost nevoie de ceva pentru ca pana si Stapanul Orasului, un vampir suprem rupt din peisajul francez medieval, sa fie sedus de Anita? inconjurata de fenomene si personaje supranaturale, lucrand intr-un domeniu care are directa legatura cu ele, ea pare uneori ca apartine unei alte lumi, iar alteori, incredibil de umana pentru modul ei de viata. Remarcabil este modul in care autoarea, Laurell K. Hamilton, reuseste sa imbine cu succes elemente de aventura, mister, fantasy, magie, dragoste si horror.
Comandati AICI
Seria mai contine:
Anita has fallen for the leader of a local pack of werewolves. She's survived a lot, but this love thing may kill her yet.
A look that kills for the fifth Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter novel.
Here's a job to strain even Anita Blake's capabilities: raising an entire graveyard of two-hundred-year-old corpses.
Anita Blake's idea of a stakeout usually involves something twitching messily on the business end of a sharp stick, and she handles that with marvelous aplomb. Unfortunately that doesn't help her handle this book's biggest crisis: her love life. Blake fans must not miss this novel. I've become a big fan of this gun-toting, smart-talking vampire killer, and I'm not a fan of the vampire sub-genre. Terrific fun.
"You can't trust anyone who sleeps with monsters". That's what Anita Blake had always believed. But now she was sharing a bed with the Master Vampire of the city. So when an arsonist began to target vampire victims, the creatures of the night turned to their former enemy. For now only "The Executioner" could save them from the inferno.
When she chose master vampire Jean- Claude over her ex-fiancé, alpha werewolf Richard Zeeman, Anita learned that sometimes love is not enough. But though she and Richard won’t be walking down any aisles, she can’t turn her back on him when he’s arrested on a rape charge in Tennessee. Anita knows firsthand that Richard has the morals of a saint—or at least a boy scout. But his guilt or innocence is not the issue. He’s behind bars, and in five days a full moon will rise…
"Whenever the phone rings before dawn something big is probably up, and the fact that Anita Blake has been up all night dealing with zombies doesn't make this call an exception. "Ted Forrester needs backup from Anita Blake, Vampire executioner," Edward tells her, using the pseudonym he keeps for those rare times when he needs a legal identity. And she owes him a favor. So by noon she's on a plane to Santa Fe, sun-drenched town of wealthy retirees, where in the last two weeks twelve people have been murdered. The dead ones had it easy; other victims have been completely flayed, but kept horribly alive by magic. Seeing them in the hospital, Anita feels uncharacteristically shaken. Edward's "Ted Forrester" identity has her nearly as spooked as the crimes: He's working with the local police, courting a likable widow with two kids, and generally making like a good ol' boy. Anita knows the real nature he's hiding beneath his mask of normality--and she finds "Ted" perhaps more frightening than Edward. But she must put aside her fear to help Edward hunt down the greatest evil she has ever encountered. It's ancient and devious--and, in the end, she will have to face it alone."
With the highly-acclaimed Obsidian Butterfly, Laurell K. Hamilton's vampire hunter, Anita Blake, came into her own. She survived a supernatural onslaught unlike any she had ever faced before-and she did it without the two men in her life. Now, six months have passed since Anita has seen either Jean-Claude or Richard. Six months of celibacy. Six months of indecision. Six months of danger. For her body carries the marks of both vampire and werewolf, and until the triumvirate is consummated, all three remain vulnerable. But when a kidnapper targets innocents that Anita has sworn to protect, she needs all the help she can get. In a earth-shattering union, Anita, Jean-Claude and Richard merge the marks-and melt into one another. Suddenly, Anita can harness both their powers. She can feel their hearts-hear their thoughts-know their hungers- Nothing can save Anita from a twist of fate that draws her ever closer to the brink of humanity-to finally surrender to the bloodlust, the beast, and the desire transforming her body and consuming her soul
Pacat ca Tritonic a incetat publicarea seriei dupa aceste trei volume...poate ca devenea prea mult, dar totusi este o serie ce chiar merita.
Stiu ca imi este oarecum interzisa cred din cauza varstei:)) ,insa chiar ma atrage sa o citesc,pacat insa ca s-au oprit..
" Cadavrul care rade ", este just wow, m-a lasat fara cuvinte titlul, despre descriere nici nu mai zic.
doamne cat de mult imi doresc seria asta:x.imi place la nebunieee:x,sper sa o cumpar candva:x
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