Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The third book in the HUSH, HUSH Saga

Asa cum ne-a promis, Becca Fitzpatrick dezvaluie coperta volumului 3 al seriei Hush Hush. E superba, eu o ador si abia astept sa o citesc. Sper sa o pastreze cei de la LITERA ca si pe primele doua. Becca promite fanilor un roman grafic dupa serie, care va aparea in iarna acestui an.
"I am thrilled to announce that I will be working with Sea Lion Books to release the HUSH HUSH Graphic Novel!
Release Date: Winter 2011"

Sunt tare curioasa sa-l vad pe Patch :D :D :D

The noise between Patch and Nora is gone. They've overcome the secrets riddled in Patch's dark past...bridged two irreconcilable worlds...faced heart-wrenching tests of betrayal, loyalty and trust...and all for a love that will transcend the boundary between heaven and earth. Armed with nothing but their absolute faith in one another, Patch and Nora enter a desperate fight to stop a villain who holds the power to shatter everything they've worked for—and their love—forever.

1 comment:

Andreea said...

Seria aceasta se pare ca are numai coperti superbe

Si soarele e o stea

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