Friday, May 6, 2011

The Girl of Dracula by Dorina Stanciu

The incandescent romance between history professor Alexander Vlad and graduating high school student Adelina Marin tangles with a gypsy tribe affairs. Cursed by Vlad the Impaler – Dracula, the tribe is heading for destruction, as the tribe’s witch strives to save it through black magic. Will Alex and Adelina’s passionate love survive the power of the curse-bearing bouquet, or will they live forever apart, tortured by desire and longing for each other - as the bouquet was destined to keep them?
Breathing suspense, intrigue, and mystery, The Girl of Dracula love story is infused with remarkable historical research and detail. 

 Dupa cum puteti vedea, autoarea este romanca, ceea ce ma face sa mi-o comand imediat! Sunt foarte curioasa in privinta acestei carti pentru ca autori intalnim cam rar la noi. Mereu am fost de parere ca mitul Dracula ar fi trebuit exploatat mai mult de noi, romanii.


andra lavander said...

ador lagenda lui Dracula, nu neaparat cartea sau castelu bran, care nu e cine stie ce, dar legenda, ceea ce spun batranii

Andreea said...

:O Autoarea este romanca,iar cartea nu a aparut la noi?:oAiurea tare:(

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